14 مارس, 2025

أعلان الهيدر

الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2020

الرئيسية Second lecture- reading- first semester- translation level 2

Second lecture- reading- first semester- translation level 2

 Second lecture- reading- first semester- translation level 2

Ms. Mona


Types of Reading 

▪️Skimming: running your eyes to get the main idea(newspaper,Magazine)

▪️Scanning: looking for particular information, specific important information (bus ticket, wedding invitation or pie graph )

🔹 Extensive: reading for getting pleasure fun like: novels, stories.

🔹Intensive: texts/ for extremely specific information ( details


1- Slime : mud, Clay .

2- Swamps: bog

3- Stench: Filth, stink

4- Traces: marks, effect

5- Strichest ( adj ): tough

6- nucleic acid: DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)

7- Lipids: fats, grease

8- Parasites: Organisms that live or inside another organisms.

9- microbe: germ

تحميل المحاضرة   هنا

By: Khadija Mohammed & Dina Raed

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