Second Lecture- Grammar 22/11/2020
Dr. Saleh Al-Dharwi
First Semester- Second Year (Translation)
°Verb and Adverb°
*Verb* : is a word or a group of words that describe experience, action, opinion, or state.
What are types of verb?
1- Main (open)
2- Auxiliary (closed/ limited)
Auxiliary (Helping Verbs):
1- Primary :
be- have- do
تأتي كأفعال مساعدة (Auxiliary) أو كأفعال أساسية (Main).
e.g.•He is swimming.
is :an auxiliary verb.
swimming: a main verb.
•He is a teacher.
is :a main verb.
2- Modals :
(a. _Central_ : can, could, shall, should, may, might, will, would, must.
فقط أفعال مساعدة ولا تستخدم كأفعال أساسية وعددهم 9.
(b. _Marginal_ : ought to, used to, need, dare.
يمكن أن تأتي كأفعال أساسية في بعض الحالات وعددهم 4.
1- Transitive Verb (T):
Needs an object .
e.g. •She likes sweets.
2- Intransitive Verb ( I ):
Doesn't need an object .
e.g. •I slept well yesterday.
°ملاحظة° بعض الأفعال يمكن أن تكون T و I معا مثل read :
e.g. •I read a story . (T)
•I read a lot. ( I )
°Note° : _a lot_ is an adverb not an object(noun).
3- Ditransitive Verb :
the verb that is followed by two objects :one is the direct object and the other is an indirect object.
some ditransitive verbs are following (gift, give, get, suggest, ask, send, show, order, buy, etc..)
S+V+ In O+ D O.
e.g. •I will give you a present .
you : indirect object.
a present : direct object.
My father gifted me a bike
me : indirect object
a bike: direct object
4- Intensive Verb / Linking Verb :
it is known as an intensive or copular verb. It needs just one complement and we can call it linking, that complement can be a single noun phrase, adjective phrase or prepositional phrase. It includes all the members of be verbs (become, turn, seem, appear, remain, etc..)
S+Intensive V+Complement
1-He became a doctor
a doctor : complement
2-My niece became an optician.
an optician: complement
3-She is happy.
happy: adjective
التكملة مرتبطة بالفاعل وهي مهمة ولا يتم معنى الجملة إلا بها لذلك لايمكن حذفها.
5- Prepositional Verb:
verb + preposition
Like: deal *with* , care *for* , approve *of* , apply *for* , count *on* ,....etc.
6- Complex-transitive Verb :
S+V+ *O* + _Object Complement_
e.g. The doctor found the patient _in a critical situation_.
in a critical situation: object complement.
♢ Regular verbs :
wait - wait *ed*
like - like *d*
beg - beg *ged*
play - play *ed*
study - stud *ied*
♢ Irregular Verbs:
Four types:
Base Form Past Past Participle
1-cut cut cut
2-buy bought bought
3-come came come
4-break broke broken
♢ Finite : changes according to number- person- tense .
♢ Non-finite : doesn't change ( infinitive "to+verb" or gerund "verb+ing" ).
●He wants to go to college.
•wants: finite
•to go: non-finite
●He worked hard to pass the exam.
•worked: finite
•to pass: non-finite
● Smoking like that must be dangerous.
•smoking: non-finite
•must be: finite
●That was the last cigarette to be smoked by me.
•was: finite
•to be smoked: non-finite
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prepared by: Maria Ahmed & Waad Ameen
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